Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cute Bingham Note...

Here is Bingham dancing to Super Why.

Super Why Super Why-y the Super Readers saved the day. They read the story they solved the problems they came together so hip hip horayay!

My Bingham and his lovely static. He found out he could shock me if he rubbed his head on the couch. It really hurts!


April said...

I love that you got a pic of his static. Thats crazy.

Sammy said...

Lol cute Bing. He's hilarious. Thats such a cute picture.

Miss Candace said...

Amy, Gracie looooves Super Why right now. She makes us put buckets on our head and says "Sir pail head" (if you've seen that episode) and every princess is "Princess Presto". We really need to get these two together. That is funny Bingham learned how to make static. He is such a stud!

Becky said...

Ian and Amelia LOVE that show. If they aren't in the room when it comes on- they immediately run in and start dancing. Ian says random stuff from it all the time. Gotta love Super Why.

Megan J. Dawson said...

Luke loves Super why! It's such a good show for kids, then I don't feel too guilty to let him watch T.V.