Sunday, May 24, 2009

This Memorial Day.

My sweet nephew Hudson saying goodbye to his baby brother Harrison
This memorial day we celebrate the lives of the ones we have lossed. I have been so blessed in my life to have little loss. Although, this past year we suffered a great loss in our family. As most of you may know my sister, April, lost her baby during a placental abruption. We are not visiting distant relatives graves, we are visiting our sweet nephew and cousin tomorrow. We have all suffered so deeply with this loss. I am VERY close to April, we talk everyday, and see each other almost just as often! I love my nephew Hudson and niece Ruby almost as much as my own kids! I love Harrison that much as well! I feel so priviledged to have been at the hospital when he was born. I got to see how perfect he was and feel that beautiful spirit that was in the room that night. Sometimes I am selfish and think how excited I was to have him be little buddies with Boen, I pictured them playing together as they grew up. It is so hard to think about, but I know he is in Heaven and that we will be with him again one day. I just wanted my sister and Trent to know that we love them and their strength through all of this. We love your children, Harry included! We cannot wait to see you again one day, sweet little baby Harry! This Memorial Day will be a hard one, but a special one as well!

1 comment:

April said...

It was bittersweet today. THanks for coming, still so weird that we were visiting my baby. I miss him and love him so much. THanks for all you did for the funeral preperations, it was perfect.