Wednesday, October 21, 2009


is anybody out there that like to clean? i seriously must have something wrong with me. i hate cleaning, but not for the reasons you may think. i hate to clean because i can't just pick up and vacuum a bit. i am ocd. for example, i have to color code my closet, i have to have my shoes lined up just so according to style, i have to have the book shelves in the boys rooms color coded, the dishes have to be put in a certain way, and so sometimes it is just not worth the effort so i just don't clean at all. anybody have similar problems?


Ty and Ber said...

I just can't keep up with it all without feeling like that is all I do.
I don't color code things I have my closets split up between long sleeve/short sleeve and the bookshelf is organized according to size.

Chad, Krissie, Sotera & Slade said...

I am only OCD about my closet! and when it gets out of hand I can't even stand to look at it!! I have to have everything color coded, long sleeves together, short sleeves, 3/4 sleeves, then skirts, shorts, capris, pants all together; dressy stuff together, casual stuff together. It's rediculous!!! So I get ya. It is either OCD or nothing!! That is really the only thing I'm OCD about usually!! But when I clean I want it cleaned the "right" way. so it is pointless to ask Chad to do anything, he just "pretends" to clean!!!

Chad, Krissie, Sotera & Slade said...

Oh and I am OCD about the way the towels are folded!!! I had to teach Chad how to fold them!! LOL!

Stephanie said...

my house has to be spotless or i can't function. The car on the other hand.... it only gets cleaned about 3 times a year.
It gets dirty within days of cleaning it and i feel it is a lost cause. so I don't care out it.
I don't even see grass on the floor, but in my home, i can see a tiny crumb from 10 ft away and it must be picked up. OR ELSE.

Sammy said...

extremely. I got my closet color coding from you, and I'm totally obsessed with it, any my shoes: organized first by color then style, pretty sad... but its so fun. ha ha I love to organize, just not to clean thats why I have erik to clean the bathroom. can't wait for the bootique!

Lauren said...

I hate cleaning because I find things.. things that I havn't seen in a long time so I look through everything than 2 hours has passed by and than I have to be somewhere well so much for cleaning I say

Amy said...

I have the same problems, then my naighbor gave me a book called sink reflections that I love. THe website is She says in the book that people with messy houses are perfectionists, which I thought was weird at first. But it makes sense, if it can't be perfect then why try. Check it out and let me know what you think. It has really helped me with my house work.

Amy said...

Thanks everyone! I love your comments and it makes me feel better! Lauren I tend to find things as well and spend too much time on one thing. and Amy-thanks I'll check that out!!! I feel I am a perfectionist. I have a hard time letting anyone help me, because it isn't exactly right. I am trying to be better, because somewhat cleaned is better i guess!

Skye said...

No. I don't have that problem, I just do a crappy job. Will you come clean my house?

Miss Jackie said...

you need to teach a class! I would love to color cordinate my closet! I try to keep mine "looking" clean. :)