Friday, November 8, 2013

18.4wks Preggers

My belly is growing day by day. 18+wks

I usually wear clothes like this cause I get hot and like to shed a layer,
 plus you can't see my chub when I wear big sweaters! 

I feel pretty good this week, finally. On monday I wasn't tho. I was sorting the dirty laundry, gagged per usual, then when I thought I was going to gag again, I puked all over the whites. oopsie! At least they were dirty in the first place. But haven't thrown up since. I am hoping this is the beginning of feeling well. 
I am trying to eat healthy. I have gained 7lbs. so far. I sure hope to stay at no more than 30lbs. Fingers crossed but no promises made, since it might be a boy. I went to my 16wk appt. and we thought we'd find out for sure what we were having. But aparently we have a shy one on our hands. They little hands were covering up the goods as well as the umbilical cord hangin right in the way. So, we will find out for sure in about 1 1/2wks. But we are thinking boy, we may have seen something, yet it may have just been a finger, haha! Not much else to report around here. I still love oranges and breads are sounding quite yummers too! 

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