Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Halloween 2013

I took some pictures before my mom and dad's Halloween party for the kids! They are the BEST! We had chili, bread sticks, orange punch, fruit shaped like pumpkins and ghosts, homemade Halloween sugar cookies, and played tons of fun games! Sammy was in town so it made it even more fun! The kids even had a fun ghost story told by Grammy! Papa ran the music for musical chairs! Thanks Mom and Dad! You're the best!

We had Lone Ranger, Tonto, and Madeline I'm such a loser and erased my pics from Halloween. Boen even had his war paint on. I hope someone else got one of him. He looked darling! Plus I wanted individuals. Oh well!

I did get one of creepy Daddy. Brody was a scarecrow. He stood on top of one of his power wheel chairs and rode up and down the street scaring the kids. It was pretty awesome! I was a scare crow too, but I was nice!

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