Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10th, 2010-I'm thankful for...

Cheznie-darling, sweet natured and snuggly!

Brighton-teeny tiny princess full of energy!

Griffin-my chubba chubba, cuddle bug, Can't get enough!

Violet-loves to stand at 4months as you can see! So sweet and cute!

Ruby-my kindred spirit! So pretty and definitely on the princess program!

Hudson-my first love! He is the oldest and we are buddies! isn't he cute?

...for my nephews and nieces! I love them all so much! Its so fun to have kids all so close in age! I can't wait to get more!!! I love all of you and am so thankful to my sisters and brothers for choosing to have you all!

1 comment:

April said...

So cute Amy. Wish I would've done my list. Maybe the week of thanksgiving.