Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of Luly! (that wasn't an accident, thats how we say it)

Happy 4th, we got invited to Aunt Lauri's, like every year. We sure love going down there to swim and enjoy our cousins's company! I am so bad, I should have gotten more pictures. Its just hard when there are so many littles running around and you don't want anyone to drown! Paisli got all dressed up he her favorite skirt for the occasion!

When she puts it on, she sways back and forth saying preee (pretty)!

Checking things out!

So festive!

Mama Brody throwing her up in the air like a firework!

He always has to give her so many kisses! He really may take a bite one day!

The Boys waiting for their sunscreen to dry so they can jump in! They love this swimming stuff!

Paisli can't wait to jump in the pool too!

After Aunt Lauri and Uncle Greg's we went to Brody's parents'. We had a BBQ with yummy food and a firework show put on by Brody! It was the only place in town that would allow fireworks due to the dry weather and all the fires going on around the State! Here is a sweet shot of my bebe Cohen!

Paisli testing out her riding skills!

The Call cousins! Paisli, Bingham, Boen, Brighton, Cohen, and Cheznie!
Notice some themes here? Paisli and Cheznie (both country singers), Bingham and Brighton (schools), Boen and Cohen (rhyme)! Yes, we are thaaaat cool! And its funny that we have the exact opposite in sexes! I have two boys then a girls, and Angie has two girls then a boy! haha!

And here is Scotty, my brother-in-law, the Orthopedic Resident, on the motorcycle! haha, he is awesome!
We had such a great day, its hard to go back to a regular day after all the fun crazyness we've been having! But hey, at least I am all caught up on my blog, except for some Paris stuff I still need to cover! 

1 comment:

Sammy said...

so fun! I'm so sad we didn't go to aunt lauries, :( wish we would've just gone, makes me mad looks like it was so fun. love those pics of pais, she is the cutest!
and i love the pics of bear lake, so fun, i miss it and i wonder if we'll go again any time soon... love it!