Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My little Bingham is turning 4!!!


  It is so exciting but so unreal at the same time that I am going to have a 4 yr old. I cannot believe how the past 4 yrs have flown by. He was my first love (other than my hubby haha). I wanted to quickly share his birth story and a few memorable experiences over the past 4 yrs. I'll do a few today and tomorrow and on his birthday!
  I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant I couldn't wait for the day. I went in to my first appt thinking I was 8 wks along and they said I was more like 10wks. So, my due date would be July 29th. Wow, I wish all pregnancies went like that. Then about 5 months in they moved it again so my new due date was July 15th 2006. Yes! he was that big and developing really fast I guess. As soon as we found out we were having a boy I told Brody I liked the name Bingham. I had never heard it as a first name but loved it and so did Brody! So, I went in to my appt. the end of June and my doctor said my amniotic fluid was quite low, so they said they wanted to start me early and they predicted he'd still weigh about 7lbs or so.
  So, July 1st I went in to the hospital bright and early. I had planned on going natural. I got started on pitocin, and a few hours later my OB broke my water. I didn't progress very well and things were not moving very fast at all. After dying in pain for so long not knowing when this kiddo would come I decided to give in and have an epidural. Which it was a good thing that I did. I finally got to a 10 and it was time to push, my OB was know where to be found. so, after waiting about an hour she finally came and we started pushing. After what seems like 20pushes and two hours he was not coming. She tried the forceps and failed. The OB pulled so hard she fell on all the blood on the ground. And with that Bingham's heart rate dropped and I was bleeding horribly. We were rushed in for an immediate C/S.
  I was crying and so scared. Our families were all terrified. All I remember was being strapped down and shaking really badly. They did that c/s so fast took him out and directly to the room next door. Nobody said anything. The alarms were going off and Brody went with them. They worked on my bleeds for a while and I kept throwing up. But I didn't care all I could hear was the horrible noise of the alarms. About an hour later my family was finally informed that we were both alive after bugging every nurse that went by. Bingham had to have a breathing tube because he wasn't breathing on his own. He had an encephalohematoma, and many deep cuts on his head. I finally got to go see him in the NICU. My dad and Brody gave him a blessing and me one as well. 
  By morning he was breathing on his own and I had finally started feeling a bit better. I got to hold him for the first time on the 2nd of July. He was 8lbs 5ozs. He was so bruised and cut and had so many tubes it was heart breaking and kind of scary.  He had to be on a feeding tube and have a few different IVs. He was also on antibiotics for some of the other things going on. He stayed in the NICU for 1 week. I was so messed up as well, so they let me stay for 1 week with him.
  We finally got to take him home, even though they found out he had a heart murmur about an hour before. I insisted and had a great doctor so they were okay with it. Oh boy little did I know!
  To be continued...


Megan J. Dawson said...

I remember hearing about his birth when he came... so heartbreaking! I'm glad he's a happy healthy cute four year old boy!

Ty and Ber said...

I remember all of that. I can't even imagine how scary that would be. I'm glad things are good now. Happy Birthday tomorrow, Bingham!

Sammy said...

oh sweet bing turning 4!!!! I can't believe he's that old, he's such a little stud muffin.

April said...

Oh I love my little Bing or should I say big Bing. I cried everytime I came to the hospital to hold him so sad but so amazing hes just fine now. Still cant believe hes 4!!!