Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Holidays xxoo!

By Stone Mountain Press go check out their website!

Update on me and baby girl:
I am still on bedrest and bored out of my mind! I am so thankful that the baby has decided to cooperate for now! I am not hoping for a Christmas baby. I went to the Dr. yesterday and he decided not to check for any more dilation because he didn't want to disturb anything. But baby girl is healthy and I am still down as long as possilbe. He hopes not to see me til after Christmas! I have been so blessed and during all this alone time I have really felt the love and blessings from my Heavenly Father through friends, family, and neighbors. I have not had to cook a meal for over three weeks. I have not had to do wash, drive carpool, change bums, clean house, decorate, shop, etc. for that long as well! I feel guilty a lot of the time, but I know it is the best thing for the baby. I feel bad that my kids have to be shipped off, and that they don't get me to do every little thing for them. I do really miss it! I know I'm crazy, but I really do feel bad! I am thankful for all the love that has been shown to our family from people we hardly even know. I cannot explain how happy we are and how blessed we are especially during this busy Holiday season. I know everyone is busy with shopping, parties, cooking, etc. on top of all of their regular duties! Its the people that have just squished things together to make time for us! I am truely grateful and thankful to each of you! I have really felt the true meaning of Christmas this Holiday Season, even when I'm left at home while my family is going to Holiday parties and festivities without me, I only cry for a minute! :) then I remember all I have been given and what bed rest means to this little girl inside of me! Even though I am sooo excited to hold her, I want her to be as healthy as possible before she enters this world! So thanks to all, have fun during these last few days before Christmas! And a special thanks to my sweet Husband who works all day and takes care of my busy boys when he gets home 'til bed, who wakes up during the night and before the sun rises to care for them. Thanks to my mom for calling me a few times a day to check in, coordinating helpers, and stopping in daily to clean, cook,
take the boys, help Brody when needed, and much more. And to my 80yr old Grammy for calling a few times a day, stopping in at least once a day, ironing, cleaning, cooking, and helping without being asked!
And of course everyone else for you help, prayers, love, and support!
I love you all and hope to return the favor one day!
xxoo Amy


Sammy said...

Glad you are doing well, I can't imagine especially at this time of year. Keep that baby inside of you! I'll have to come again and teach you better how to crochet some hats

Katie said...

Cute Christmas card! I'm so sorry you are on bed rest :( But I'm glad to hear that so far thing are okay..I hopt it continues that way.